Assimilate partitioning during growth and development

Little is known about the kinetic parameters for partitioning assimilate between the compartments. Sucrose is a signal molecule in assimilate partitioning. Photosynthesis and assimilate partitioning during rhythmic growth of. Abscisic acid and assimilate partitioning to developing seeds. Assimilate partitioning between root and shoot, determined from changes in dry matter, was not affected by drought when the plants were gradually stressed. Phytohormones such as auxin, gibberellins, cytokinins and aba are transported throughout the plant in vascular system and evidences are now accumulating that these growth regulators might regulate sourcesink relationships at least partially and affect assimilates partitioning by controlling growth of sinks, senescence of leaves and other developmental processes. Effect of environmental factors on whole plant assimilate partitioning. The rate of fruit expansion is affected by assimilate supply, temperature and water.

Effect of paclobutrazol and cytokinin on growth and sourcesink relationship during grain filling of black rice. The source leaves were sampled during the experiment to measure translocation rates. Assimilate, a collective term describing organic carbon c and nitrogen n, is of paramount importance for plant development and realization of crop productivity. Again a sucroseproton cotransport seems to be involved. The possible involvement of plant growth substances in assimilate production in. Assimilate partitioning during reproductive growth. Are plant growth substances involved in the partitioning of assimilate. The grain numbers are calculated from the above ground biomass growth during a critical stage in the plant growth cycle for a fixed thermal time before. To utilize solar radiation efficiently and to store the photosynthate, a plant must be able to transport to move assimilate from an area of synthesis to an area of mobilization assimilate produced via pn is translocated throughout the plant for growth, development, storage and cell maintenance partitioning. In order to understand how organic carbon and nitrogen are integrated and used for cells growth, one should consider both assimilation and partitioning processes 56, 57.

In whole plant or crop models, plants are often divided into organs e. Alleweldteffects of plant hormones on phloem transport in grapevines. Assimilate partitioning and plant development it has been a pleasure to organize this special issue of molecular plant on assimilate partitioning and plant development. Tbe mecbanisms tbat regulate assimilate partitioning. Pdf assimilate partitioning and plant development researchgate. Assimilate partitioning is being studied in avocado, persea americana cv. Assimilates that arrive in sink organs are used for growth, maintenance. Summaryshoot morphogenesis in green tea was used to define key events in development which occur during rhythmic growth. Single leaves on girdled branches of 10 year old trees were radiolabeled for 1 hr with muci of sup 14cosub 2. Does abscisic acid influence the growth rate of pea seeds. Thus, assimilate partitioning is a globally regulated process that integrates across the needs of the plant as a whole. Regulation of assimilate partitioning in flowering plants of the. In no case, additional biomass was partitioned to the roots. Assimilate partitioning and utilization during vegetative.

Assimilate partitioning and distribution in fruit crops. It is often convenient to divide these organs into two further compartments structural and storage material warren wilson, 1972. This research was aimed to evaluate the effect of paclobutrazol and cytokinin on growth and sourcesink relationship during grain filling of. Abscisic acid and assimilate partitioning during seed development.

The mechanism of assimilate partitioning and carbohydrate. The metabolisms of carbon and nitrogen can contribute to microalgae cell growth 48. Translocation and assimilates partitioning in higher plants. Growth, flowering and partitioning of 14cassimilate in oriental lily star gazer as affected by light level and flower removal.